Request a quote

Contact information

Opening hours

Our customer service and office is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:30.

Our on-call number +358 46 5484955 is available 24/7.

Visiting address

Vehnämyllynkatu 6 B 6, 33560 Tampere

Postal address

Viinikankatu 1 B 33, 33100

Business ID


Our e-invoicing data is as follows:

Company information
Name: More Clean Finland
VAT-number: 2762032-2

E-invoicing address: 003727620322
eInvoice Intermediator: 003723327487 (Apix Messaging Oy)

Email Scanning

If you are not able to send invoices electronically, please send paper invoices to the following address:
More Clean Finland
PL 16112